Monday, November 5, 2012

Digital Story Ideas

We each need to make a digital story that goes with a lesson plan we have created. For my digital story I was thinking of either making one one the historical figures or the importance of the local colleges and the growing population in Kalamazoo. What are some of your guys ideas?


  1. I will stick with the topic of historical buildings in Kalamazoo. I am thinking I will just talk about different historical buildings that I have talked about in previous lesson plans.

  2. I will be making a digital story about Kalamazoo landmarks. I was thinking about making a digital story about some facts about the Civic Theater downtown. My last lesson collected data on which city had their favorite landmark. I will pretend The Civic is my favorite landmark, and I'll find facts about it and present it to them. Then I will have them find facts about their favorite landmarks and make a poster board presentation. This will help them develop skills about how to properly research a topic.
