Tuesday, October 16, 2012


We all have to do out podcasts on different topics. Which topics were you girls thinking about covering in your podcast?


  1. I was thinking based on reading the description of the assignment that one of us explains why we are using project based learning. Another can talk about what we have done so far and the last person can talk about what direction we are ended to.

  2. That is what I thought too. I can talk about what we have done so far.

  3. Sounds good! I can talk about why we are using project based learning if that is ok with everyone!

  4. So I'm kind of confused on the submission of the podcast. We are suppose to make 3 separate ones right?

  5. We each do our own podcast, but then we combine the three podcasst and turn in one as a group.

  6. We all have to use the same music throughout the entire podcast. What song do you guys want to do?

  7. So here are my thoughts on the podcast.
    Bianca can do the the first segment which will include an introduction of us, and how we are using PBL. I will talk about what we have done so far, and just start with my topic so we do not have another introduction, and then Jenna can say where we are headed and bring our discussion to a close. If you girls want to you can send them to me and I'll piece them all together and add the music. If you could have them to me ASAP that would be really awesome because I wanted to submit this before the weekend. :)

  8. sounds good...I will try to get it to you before the weekend, but I have 2 midterms to study for, but I will get it to you by saturday at the latest if thats ok...hopefully earlier though

  9. Sounds good. I will try to send you it as soon as possible.

  10. This podcast has to be 3-5 mins total right? Not each?
    Also I was wondering what our 2 concepts of the book we are going to address. Project based learning and what?

  11. The whole thing has to be 5 minutes.

  12. Do you guys have your dialogue done of what you are saying? I feel like if I have an idea what you guys are saying it will be easier for my part because I have to say where we are headed and do a conclusion

  13. Hello my name is Bianca. My colleagues and I would like to introduce a project we are working on with our third grade students. Our students will be learning about the history of Kalamazoo. Each week we will introduce a new topic of the history of Kalamazoo such as historical figures, buildings and landmarks. We have decided to use Project-based learning for this project. Project based learning is when students and teachers work together to solve real life problems. Project based learning teaches students skills such as communication, collaboration and time management.

  14. That sounds good Bianca!
    Some ideas that I have included in my part, about where we are headed, is basically just saying the students will gain knowledge in their local history and history of DC and NYC. Should I also include that we will end up making a group website that includes this project and procedures? or should i leave that out? I saw in one of our modules we have to make a website and I wasnt sure if i should include that or not...
    Also, I am really bad at endings..lol anyone have a good last sentence I can say to conclude our podcast.

  15. You can conclude it by saying something like:
    We have already learned so much about our local history, but we are not done yet!

    Cheesy, but teachers are cheesy haha!

  16. Haha ok! Ill get itto you by tonight!

  17. Hey girls, I have not received either of your podcasts yet. They're being sent to my e-mail right?

  18. I was having trouble making it into a mp3 but i got it to work. Were we suppose to put the music on or were you doing that?
