Monday, September 24, 2012

Virtual Penpals ideas

Hey, this week our assignment is Virtual penpals. We need to come up with an assignment that will promote cultural understanding. What are your guys ideas for this?


  1. I just briefly looked over the requirements. Is there a specific culture that either of you girls have ties to and would like to compare?

  2. We could focus on historical buildings/monuments across the United States. Then we can have students from each of these different areas of the United States either inform others about the historical buildings/monuments or compare/contrast?

    The focus could be more specific probably, but those were the ideas I had so far.

    Then when we do the google map, it could be a map from all the places where the historical buildings are that we used in the part A.

  3. Do you guys have any ideas so we can start it?

  4. I think that sounds like a great idea! We can have our "students" in Kalamazoo communicate with kids that live in DC, and NYC. The monuments and historical information is so much greater in those areas. We could have our students inquire information about the history of their cities (in the students opinion) and have our students give those students information about Kalamazoo.
    -This project could be for fifth grade.
    -The students would be comparing/ contrasting how the history from where they live
    -They will ask questions like, "What is your favorite historical fact about your town?"
    -We can make an exhibit in our "classroom" of the letters we receive on a bulletin board with pictures of the places the other students are from.

    Who is going to start the google doc?

  5. This sounds great! Ill start working on google docs tomorrow! If anyone wants to start though that's fine...we can just add on to whatever is there correct?
    But this sounds like a great start guys!!
